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 Infused with Vinyasa, Meditation, Mantra, Ritual, Ayurveda & Dance, The Lakshmi Rising Yoga Teacher Training Program is one of the most unique and transformative anywhere in the world.
Special Offer! Bring a friend for 50% off!

Our Yoga Alliance Approved 300 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training intensive immersions at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers in Costa Rica’s Blue Zone gives you three weeks to focus on deepening your yoga practice with other curious, interesting people from around the world. It is a time for you to enjoy life while learning even more about the timeless tradition of yoga, cultivating true health and happiness and making new friends. Investing in an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training is a personally and spiritually enriching experience.

Lakshmi is the Goddess of love, good fortune, beauty and prosperity. She blesses those with clear focus, goals and direction; especially on the spiritual path.

Rising means to advance, grow or ascend.

Vinyasa is the sacred dance of breath and movement.

Yoga is integration.

Lakshmi Rising Vinyasa Yoga is an awareness-based practice that includes fluid, dynamic asana, kriya, pranayama, mantra, meditation, dance, wellness, self-care and ritual for health and awakening.

This approach is a revitalizing laboratory for experiencing and expressing our unique Self while mindfully honoring all that exists in each present moment. Our practice cultivates mental, physical and spiritual strength so that we are able to recognize and transform habits, patterns and conditionings that cause suffering in any way. We use the mat as a metaphor to understand what holds us back so that we can eliminate all that is not effective in the unfoldment of our own unique evolutionary process. 

Some practices are challenging, vigorous and will require self-discipline. Some practices are slow and juicy with therapeutic space for rest and relaxation. Both styles are valuable, both are important. Lakshmi Rising is the place where sweat, tears, openness and fun meet softness, quiet, introspection and self love.

Benefits include grace, flexibility, strength, balance and well-being in the body and mind. You may also feel a sense of purpose, clarity, creativity, focus, connection, inner peace and confidence.  

We are influenced by the Yoga lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya, Classical Tantra from the teachings of Sri Mahendranath, Gabrielle Roth's 5 Rhythms, Shiva Rea and the ageless Wisdom imparted by great sages and artists from cultures near and far. Lakshmi Rising Vinyasa Yoga integrates time tested traditions with modern knowledge and insights designed to awaken and inspire you.

Our 300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program is a life empowering adventure. This intensive immersion retreat is open to anyone already having completed a 200 Hr YTT somewhere. Join like-minded Advanced students/teachers abroad on our all inclusive 3-week Advanced Teacher Training to become a certified 500 RYT Level Instructor, or to learn more about the deeper levels of classical yoga in order to advance your physical practice and spiritual sadhana. This is a time for you to learn more about the timeless tradition of yoga, cultivating true health and happiness and making new friends. Investing in a Advanced Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program is a life enriching experience and a wise investment. Take this opportunity to consciously create the life you want and to live your Yoga.

We know there are many courses to choose from so we have diligently and consciously curated the best 300 Hour Advanced immersion program available at an affordable price. You will come away from Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga and Wellness’s 300 hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training intensive as a 500 RYT Level certified instructor and also as a stronger, wiser, freer, more aware and connected version of your true self. Our unique and extensive 300 hour YTT curriculum is accredited by the National Yoga Alliance. Our training group size has been carefully crafted so that each trainee is seen by the teachers and has a voice in the community of the group. We keep our training groups small so that we can provide more personalized instruction for each teacher trainee and hold space for each one of our students so that you feel fully supported every step of the way.

Your tuition investment includes training with over 300 contact hours, 2 hour asana practice each day, daily meditation, unique Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga & Wellness training manual, 3 organic gourmet vegetarian meals each day except during full day excursions, coffee and tea, organic fresh fruit for snacks, super-filtered high vibration mountain spring water for drinking and bathing, double occupancy lodging, daily housekeeping, weekly laundry service, full access to a magical private property nature preserve including gardens, trails, swimming pool and more, option to participate in organized group excursions and all applicable taxes.

The tuition price does not include transportation, required texts, optional excursions, optional wellness services or staff gratuities. Keep this in mind when comparing prices. This is the bottom line without any unexpected hidden costs.

Refund Policy: Retreats and Teacher Trainings are non-refundable. All payments are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend your yoga teacher training program you can transfer your deposit or payment to a future YTT in any of our locations (depending on availability) within 18 months of your original training start date. We hope you will join us to cultivate optimal health and wellness. Namaste.

Inappropriate use of tobacco, alcohol or drugs, or general disruptive behavior will result in immediate dismissal with no refund.
By placing your deposit, you are agreeing to this policy.


Explore our unique Yoga Teacher Training Empowerment Program curriculum; we want to spark your curiosity and interest!

We currently have two options to share this invaluable knowledge with you. We offer the same content over a 21-day immersion intensive OR over a 14-day immersion intensive followed by supplemental on-line course work which can be completed within the year. Both options are Yoga Alliance verified and approved.

Total Hours



In-Person Hours: 172At Home Hours: 72On-Line Hours: 36

In-Person Hours: 243At Home Hours: 65

Total Hours: 280

Total Hours: 308

Regarding the total hours calculated in the description below:When one number is listed, the modules remain consistent between both training options;When two numbers are listed, the number on the left represents the 14-day option / the number on the right represents the 21-day option.

Course Overview

What is Lakshmi Rising?3 total hoursLearning Objective:

During our opening circle, we discuss the course overview, introduce the power of intention and ritual, share collective introductions among the kula (community), and explain the Lakshmi Rising concept. We also go over the course requirements.

What is Yoga? What is Wellness?2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students collectively define both Yoga and Wellness. A brief cultural history of yoga and classical definitions of Yoga are discussed. Concepts like Samkhya and kleshas are introduced. Wellness is collectively defined. Connections are drawn between Yoga and Wellness.

Daily Morning Sadhana including asana, pranayama, mantra, kriya and mudra26 / 40 total hoursLearning Objective:

These 2-hour daily modules are designed to stretch, tone and heal the body. Lakshmi Rising specialty yoga master classes not only move the body but also stir the heart and mind. They weave classical yogic concepts with modern anatomical intelligence, inspiration for self observation and spiritual wisdom.

Meditation Practicum12 / 15.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will actively practice Loving Kindness, Japa, Trataka, Japa Mala, Mindfulness, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, Mantra, and Nyasm styles of meditation daily to directly experience the benefits and also the challenges. Students will have the opportunity to note the effects of a consistent daily meditation practice for 21 days in a row.

Sequencing Concepts and Techniques8 / 13 total hoursLearning Objective:

In this 1 hour daily module following the morning sadhana, the instructor explains the proceeding morning practice. Our morning yoga classes are based upon the Lakshmi Rising Hatha Vinyasa method of building a sequence around a cohesive theme and variations on that theme (physically and oftentimes mentally, emotionally and spiritually). In each of these break down sessions, an asana (the peak pose of the day) is explained in detail including benefits and effects, modifications and variations, anatomical alignment details, and contraindications.

The entire master class is collectively discussed and written down. This will provide students with a library of intentional and versatile sequences to reference for inspiration when putting together their own classes once they begin teaching.

This session also serves as a Q&A about any part of the morning practice so that students gain experiential perspective about designing and teaching a yoga class and also for clarification about any of the class elements.

Structure of a Vinyasa Class2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Basic concepts specific to hatha vinyasa yoga in the lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya are defined, as well as elements unique to Lakshmi Rising. This gives students a map to follow regarding what to include in their future classes and why.

Concepts such as Surya Namaskar (sun salutations), vinyasa krama (flows), kriya (repetitive movements) and connecting vinyasa (linking sequences) are explored.

The Art of Intelligent Sequencing5 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will gain a solid understanding of how to sequence a vinyasa class using the Lakshmi Rising method. Concepts such as theme and variation in asana, peak pose, vinyasa krama, connecting vinyasa, music, philosophical themes, and timing are covered. Students work in small groups to design a class and receive feedback.

Roots of Alignment: Defining Asana and Intro to Yoga Anatomy2.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

This module includes Krishmacharya’s and Patanjali’s definition of asana, students working together in partners or small groups to perform a postural analysis, and an overview of common alignment mistakes.

Anatomy of Asana Families2 / 3 total hoursLearning Objective:

Different categories of asana are defined. Regions of the body are identified, muscles, bones, nerves, organs and connective tissues are explained in relation to different types of postures and positions. Cautions and contraindications, range of motion, as well as general benefits of posture groupings are explained.

Asana Lab21.5 / 24.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

Different asana are explained and demonstrated. The anatomy of each asana is discussed, as well as variations, modifications, benefits, contraindications, and hands on assists, adjustments and enhancements. Students will work in pairs or small groups to practice

teaching the asana and mini-sequences.

Hands-on Adjustments 1011.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

Ethical, energetic and anatomical aspects of touching yoga students are discussed. Options for student and teacher safety are explored. Similarities and differences between adjusting, assisting and enhancing asana are considered. Contraindications are explained. Verbal and energetic assists are also explained.

Art of Shape Shifting Photo Project2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students are given a list of asana (yoga poses) that are a part of the LR curriculum. With a partner or small group, students will photographically document their understanding of these poses on both the first and last days of the training program. This will illustrate their growth and transformation during the yoga teacher certification course, and also their understanding of the physical and energetic alignment of each asana.

Secrets of the Bandhas2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students receive theoretical and experiential information about hasta, pada, mula, uddiyana, jalandhara and maha bandhas. We discuss benefits, contraindications, physical and energetic anatomy, and explore several different techniques for teaching and self practice.

Yoga in the World Today: The Legacy of Krishnamacharya1 total hourLearning Objective:

Students will discuss the similarities and differences between Yoga and Exercise. The global influence of Krishnamacharya and his students will be discussed, as well as other popular styles of Yoga.

Patanjali and the Eight Limbs of Yoga1 total hourLearning Objective:

This is an introduction to Yoga as a philosophy and lifestyle that encompasses more than just the physical postures.

Yoga Sutra Discussion: Yama and Niyama2.5 / 4 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students learn the ethical aspects of relating to self and others in this exploration of the Yamas and Niyamas. Different translations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are referenced, as well as current application of these ancient and timeless guidelines to living a yogic lifestyle.

Concepts in Ahimsa: Plant Based Nutrition for the Health of the Whole24 / 38 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will explore one of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga, Yama. The first of these ethical observances is ahimsa, non-harming of self and others. We apply this principle to our yogic lifestyle by adhering to a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet for 21-days. Our mealtimes are not only an opportunity to practice mindful eating, they are also a time to educate students about plant based nutrition and to offer first hand experience of the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle in harmony with Ayurvedic principles.

Pranayama Defined: May the Force be with You2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Pranayama as one of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs is defined and discussed. The anatomy of the respiratory system is explained. Concepts such as: sama vritti (even breath), visama vritti (uneven breath), kumbaka (breath retention), and vayu (wind) are defined. Benefits and contraindications are also explained.

Meditation Defined: Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Meditation as one of Patanjali’s Eight Limbs is defined and discussed. Modern research and classical perspectives are included in the discussion, in addition to the benefits and physiological process. Different styles and approaches are explained.

Meditation Techniques Explained4.5 / 7.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

Nyasm, Loving Kindness, Japa, Japa Mala, Mindfulness, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, Mantra, and Trataka are explained in-depth so that each student will have clear instruction on how to practice each of these techniques, and also the benefits, variations and contraindications for each.

Mauna: Practicing Silence15 / 26 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students learn about the benefits of silence by refraining from speech and technology during silent breakfasts and Saturday mornings.

Sahaja Vinyasa: Lakshmi Rising Conscious Dance1 / 2 total HoursLearning Objective:

Students practice meditation in motion, ritual, and a new way of experiencing asana, to break habits and patterns that block their flow of awareness.

Mantra: Tools for the Mind1 total hourLearning Objective:

Different chants are explained and practiced to expose students to this ancient form of Yoga.

Yoga Philosophy: Samskara, Karma, Klesha & Pratyahara1 total hourLearning Objective:

This discussion is designed to spark insight into what we believe and why. Students are invited to identify patterns in themselves, their relationships and in society that can be shifted through diligent self-study (svadhyaya) and through the practice of Yoga.

Stepping into the Role of Teacher3 / 5 total hoursLearning Objective:

The concept of lineage is defined. Students will reflect upon their own lineage and identify their strengthens and weaknesses as a teacher. We discuss what it means to be a teacher, Yoga teacher, educator, guide and leader.

Quiz and Review2 total hoursLearning Objective:

In two quizzes, at the beginning of weeks two and three, students will have 30 minutes to take each quiz and then 30 minutes to go over the quiz as a group. This emphasizes important course content and gives students a gauge of their strengths and weaknesses.

Yoga Related Film3 / 4 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will get a recap and summary of course content by watching a documentary and several short videos on YouTube.

Reading Assignments, Self Study and Related Projects20 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will learn multiple perspectives on the general course content by reading the course manual and text books in addition to dedicating 5+ hours to prep and planning time for a final student practicum; 1+ hour prep, planning, design and creation of sacred space altar and dinner blessing; and 1 hour of karma yoga during the training in-person.

21-Day Only

3 total hours
Learning Objective:

Students will be introduced to Ayurveda as a sister science to Yoga; Yoga being a path to purify the mind and Ayurveda as a path to purify the body. An overview of the five elements, three dosha, dinacharya (daily routine) guidelines, and how to live in harmony with our environment will be given.

Dynamic Use of Language2 total hoursLearning Objectives:

Creative and conscious verbal guidance is one key to skillful teaching. In this module, we explore different approaches to public speaking, various approaches to cuing alignment, filler words and creative use of verbs and metaphors.

Chakras, Nadis, Koshas: Energetic Anatomy of the Human Experience2.5 total hoursLearning Objective:

This module gives students an overview of the energy-body through the lens of yoga.

What Next? The Business of Teaching Yoga3 total HoursLearning Objective:

Students will learn how and why to register with Yoga Alliance. We discuss teaching options and possibilities, how to find teaching opportunities and what to expect, continuing education, mentorship and higher level trainings, hosting and attending workshops, retreats and special events, marketing alliances, social media, and how to write a bio, resume and mission statement.

21-Day Non-Contact Hours:

40+ hours of course reading and practice prior to or during the training program2 hours to research and write 1000 word essay10+ hours teaching community classes upon completion of training6 hours to plan one ayurvedic meal specific to your vikruti; shop or grow, cook, eat and clean-up

14-Day On-Line Course Work

On-Line Asana Class11 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will continue the 90 minute morning practice for 7 more days on-line.

Daily On-Line Meditation7 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will actively practice Loving Kindness, Japa, Trataka, Japa Mala, Mindfulness, Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra, Mantra, and Nyasm styles of meditation daily to directly experience the benefits and also the challenges. Students will have the opportunity to note the effects of a consistent daily meditation practice for 21 days in a row (in person and on-line for 7 days following the intensive).

Chakras, Nadis, Koshas: Energetic Anatomy of the Human Experience3 total hoursLearning Objective:

This module gives students an overview of the energy-body through the lens of yoga.

Ayurveda3 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will be introduced to Ayurveda as a sister science to Yoga; Yoga being a path to purify the mind and Ayurveda as a path to purify the body. An overview of the five elements, three dosha, dinacharya (daily routine) guidelines, and how to live in harmony with our environment will be given.

Yoga Sutra Discussion: Yama and Niyama4 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students learn the ethical aspects of relating to self and others in this exploration of the Yamas and Niyamas. Different translations of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are referenced, as well as current application of these ancient and timeless guidelines to living a yogic lifestyle.

Dynamic Use of Language2 total hoursLearning Objectives:

Creative and conscious verbal guidance is one key to skillful teaching. In this module, we explore different approaches to public speaking, various approaches to cuing alignment, filler words and creative use of verbs and metaphors.

What Next? The Business of Teaching Yoga3 total hoursLearning Objective:

Students will learn how and why to register with Yoga Alliance. We discuss teaching options and possibilities, how to find teaching opportunities and what to expect, continuing education, mentorship and higher level trainings, hosting and attending workshops, retreats and special events, marketing alliances, social media, and how to write a bio, resume and mission statement.

Short videos on YouTube2 total hoursLearning Objective:

Watch the playlist of selected shorts on our YouTube channel for inside into yoga from many different perspectives.

Practicum1+ total hoursLearning Objective:

The final project will be to share a 30 minute video on Googol Drive, IGTV or YouTube. It can be share publicly or just to the group. The group is encouraged to watch and offer feedback. Lakshmi Rising rising faculty will provide feedback.

14-Day Non-Contact hours:

40+ hours of course reading and practice prior to or during the training program2 hours to research and write 1000 word essay10+ hours teaching community classes upon completion of training7 hours silent mornings / breakfasts for 7 days

6 hours to plan one ayurvedic meal specific to your vikruti; shop or grow, cook, eat and clean-upREQUIRED TEXT BOOKS

The books (e-books are fine) to purchase and bring with you are: 
"The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" by Swami Satchidananda
"Yoga Anatomy" by Leslie Kaminoff
"Teaching Yoga" by Mark Stephens
"The Heart of Yoga" by TKV Desikachar
"Ayurveda, The Science of Self Healing" by Dr Vasant Lad 



6:00 – 9:00am            Sadhana: Asana, Pranayama, Mantra and Discussion
9:00 – 10:00               Breakfast, discussion of sacred texts or silence
11:00 – 2:00pm           Training Session
2:00 – 3:00                  Gourmet Vegetarian Lunch with nutrition + natural health discussion
4:00 – 7:00                  Training Session
7:00 – 8:00                  Dinner with Gratitude Practice          

6:00 – 7:30am              Silent Yoga Practice
7:30 – 9:00am              Self Led Meditation and Journaling
9:00 – 10:00am           Silent Breakfast
10:30 – 5:00pm            Excursion with lunch in town
7:00 – 8:00pm             Nourishing Delicious Dinner

7:00 – 7:30am              Coffee & tea
7:30 - 9:00am               Morning Sadhana
9:00 - 10:00am            Delicious Breakfast
10:30 - 2:00pm             Nature Ritual
2:00 - 3:00pm              Yummy Lunch
5:00 - 7:00pm              Yoga Film
7:00 - 8:00pm              Nourishing Ayurvedic Dinner


Dr. Liz Lindh ERYT-500 is currently the director of The Sanctuary at Two Rivers, a unique boutique eco-conscious yoga retreat and teacher training wellness center and Nature preserve in Costa Rica. Here she created Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga and Wellness through which she offers Yoga Alliance approved Yoga Teacher Training certification programs and other wellness trainings throughout the year. At The Sanctuary and every where she goes, Liz offers lifestyle inspiration for health and awakening through yoga, movement, spirituality, meditation, self-care, ritual, exploration of the natural world, travel, adventure, environmental stewardship and creative self expression.

Dr. Lindh has has worked with many celebrities including award winning musicians, authors, actors, dancers, and artists of all sorts to inspire creativity, beauty and focus. She has worked with professional athletes in the field of sports medicine for enhanced performance, injury maintenance and prevention. Her extensive experience in Integrative Medicine includes research with stroke patients at Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, a short tour with a rock band as their private acupuncturist and assistant chef, presentations at the University of Miami Miller College of Medicine, the development and implementation of a yoga, meditation and wellness program for cancer survivors for The Wellness Community, an international non-profit support group, the creation of 200 hour and 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training curriculum approved by the National Yoga Alliance, and the formulation of her own line of herbal elixirs and beauty products. Liz’s yoga sequences, retreats and wellness concepts have been featured by Yoga Journal, MindBodyGreen and The Chalkboard Mag. She has appeared on TV, radio and online as a yoga and wellness expert, recognized by MindBodyGreen as a leader in the field of wellness and received a Mercury Love Award as “Best Yoga Instructor″. 

Liz has been exploring the path of yoga since the early 1990’s. Her dynamic vinyasa yoga classes are a fusion of fluid movement, flexibility, core strengthening and balance where you will find rhythm and awareness, breath and calm, ritual and rock & roll, integration of body, mind, heart and spirit. She teaches with the intention of spreading love, health and beauty. She continues to study yoga, movement, meditation and fitness across the globe with many great teachers.

She is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, a holistic skincare and natural beauty expert, Yoga Teacher and Yoga Teacher Trainer. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and a Masters of Oriental Medicine degree from the East West College of Natural Medicine as well as several other certifications across many disciplines.

Liz’s mission is to promote personal and global wholeness, to enhance the expansion of love, awareness and consciousness, and to support the wellbeing and liberation of all creatures.