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 Infused with Vinyasa, Meditation, Mantra, Ritual, Ayurveda & Dance, The Lakshmi Rising Yoga Teacher Training Program is one of the most unique and transformative anywhere in the world.

Special Offer! Bring a friend for 50% off!

Our Yoga Alliance Approved 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training intensive immersions at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers in Costa Rica’s Blue Zone gives you two weeks to focus on your yoga practice with other curious, interesting people from around the world. It is a time for you to enjoy life while learning about the timeless tradition of yoga, cultivating true health and happiness and making new friends. Investing in a Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program is a life enriching experience even if you have no intention of teaching.

Lakshmi is the Goddess of love, good fortune, beauty and prosperity. She blesses those with clear focus, goals and direction; especially on the spiritual path.

Rising means to advance, grow or ascend.

Vinyasa is the sacred dance of breath and movement.

Yoga is integration.

Lakshmi Rising Vinyasa Yoga is an awareness-based practice that includes fluid, dynamic asana, kriya, pranayama, mantra, meditation, dance, wellness, self-care and ritual for health and awakening.

This approach is a revitalizing laboratory for experiencing and expressing our unique Self while mindfully honoring all that exists in each present moment. Our practice cultivates mental, physical and spiritual strength so that we are able to recognize and transform habits, patterns and conditionings that cause suffering in any way. We use the mat as a metaphor to understand what holds us back so that we can eliminate all that is not effective in the unfoldment of our own unique evolutionary process. 

Some practices are challenging, vigorous and will require self-discipline. Some practices are slow and juicy with therapeutic space for rest and relaxation. Both styles are valuable, both are important. Lakshmi Rising is the place where sweat, tears, openness and fun meet softness, quiet, introspection and self love.

Benefits include grace, flexibility, strength, balance and well-being in the body and mind. You may also feel a sense of purpose, clarity, creativity, focus, connection, inner peace and confidence.  

We are influenced by the Yoga lineage of Sri Krishnamacharya, Classical Tantra from the teachings of Sri Mahendranath, Gabrielle Roth's 5 Rhythms, Shiva Rea and the ageless Wisdom imparted by great sages and artists from cultures near and far. Lakshmi Rising Vinyasa Yoga integrates time tested traditions with modern knowledge and insights designed to awaken and inspire you.

Our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program is a life empowering adventure. These intensive immersions are open to people with all levels of experience. Join like-minded students abroad on our all inclusive 2-week teacher training adventure to become a certified Hatha Vinyasa Flow Yoga Instructor, or just to learn more about the foundations of classical yoga in order to deepen your physical practice and spiritual sadhana. Take this opportunity to consciously create the life you want and to live your Yoga.

We know there are many courses to choose from so we have diligently and consciously curated the best 200 Hour immersion program available at an affordable price. You will come away from Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga and Wellness’s 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training intensive as a certified instructor and also as a stronger, wiser, freer, more aware and connected version of your true self. Our unique and extensive curriculum is accredited by the National Yoga Alliance. Our training group size has been carefully crafted so that each trainee is seen by the teachers and has a voice in the community of the group. We keep our training groups small so that we can provide more personalized instruction for each teacher trainee and hold space for each one of our students so that you feel fully supported every step of the way.

Your tuition investment includes training with over 200 contact hours, 2 hour asana practice each day, daily meditation, unique Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga & Wellness training manual, 3 organic gourmet vegetarian meals each day except during full day excursions, coffee and tea, organic fresh fruit for snacks, super-filtered high vibration mountain spring water for drinking and bathing, double occupancy lodging, daily housekeeping, weekly laundry service, full access to a magical private property nature preserve including gardens, trails, swimming pool and more, option to participate in organized group excursions and all applicable taxes.

The tuition price does not include transportation, required texts, optional excursions, optional wellness services or staff gratuities. Keep this in mind when comparing prices. This is the bottom line without any unexpected hidden costs.

Retreat and Training Refund Policy: We understand that these are trying and uncertain times. We are wholeheartedly here to support your growth and transformation on a deep and personal level and do not want to jeopardize your search for being a force for positive change within yourself, your family, and your community.

For this reason, during the COVID-19 situation we are relaxing our cancellation policy. If you are unable to attend your retreat or yoga teacher training program, you can transfer your deposit or payment to a future retreat or training in any of our locations (depending on availability) within 18 months of your original training start date. We hope you will join us to cultivate optimal health and wellness. Namaste.

Note: Should Lakshmi Rising feel the need to change retreat venues in order to protect the interest of the training, students, and/or faculty, they may do so  without notice.

The Impossibility of Performance – Force Majeure

I agree that Lakshmi Rising and its agents, will not be liable in the event of Acts of God; such as, but not limited to: fires; volcanoes; adverse weather conditions such as earthquakes, tidal waves, and floods; strikes or blockades; government orders; global pandemics; airport closures; flight cancelations; or other circumstances beyond our control.


Please note that our Yoga Teacher Trainings are PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTENSIVES designed to teach you how to teach the practices of yoga. You will spend a lot of time in meditation, in movement, in silence, in lecture, in nature, with others in community, and with the eight limbs of yoga through an inclusive and classical tantrik lens. You will be invited to use these tools as support through any emotional and mental discomfort that may surface as you explore internal landscapes. It may be challenging at times. We have witnessed and guided hundreds of students through this beautiful process. The system works. Inspiring results come from the energy one invests.

This is a professional training and NOT a personal therapy intensive or detoxification program (from recreational or pharmaceutical drugs). While we are committed to introducing authentic yoga and self-study techniques, this program should not be taken as a personal therapeutic intensive if you are expecting or in need of professional psychological or medical support.

Our faculty and staff are not trained psychiatrists and do not carry clinical backgrounds in PTSD, addiction, sexual abuse counseling, or other mental health concerns. If you have a history of PTSD or extreme drug use, it is important that you arrive to our program in a stable state with the intention of using the practices of yoga for self -regulation and personal spiritual growth. If you are seeking more personalized therapeutic support, we advise you to make that therapy your priority before attending an intensive yoga teacher training immersion.